Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Tutor? What is tutor ? part 1

Tutor? What is tutor hired for? No one have a solid idea about it. No wonder if the lecture sometimes give them a lot of job beyond their responsibilities. Here is what I found: tutoring in class (main job), lecturing, guide the student in doing their exercise or assignment including their project, supervise exam, evaluate student assignment and exam, preparing tutorial material and course materials (sometimes or most of the time?), assist the lecturer in managing class including identifying students attendance in class and maintain the class conduct.

Tutor is a coach too, so the main attribute they should have, in addtion to the subject matter they are tutoring, are empathy and desire to help students in learning process. Empathy mean they should know what kind of students they have to care, what kind of class they should nurture. Therefore, the first thing to do when tutor came into a class is identify the personality of class; know the students individually, find the relationship between individual, who are the star, who are isolated or outcast people, so you can figuring out social map of the class. Tutor should give extra attention to slow learner students without obeying fast learner students. Indeed, it is not easy.

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