Thursday, July 5, 2007

power and politics: again...

Power and politics course becoming debate commodity back? Becoming political commodity. Why?
What is happening? It is just like we want a cake but did not know what kind of cake do we want? And what is the benefit of eating that cake? Is it a child ego or a parent ego? It is just like a child ask something to her/his mommy and make the mommy's headache because could not find what the heck of thing did he/she want? Or, just to make all of us think about what kind of power and politics do we want? I tried to find out what kind of politics do we have to deliver to student? I think the student will find their job and may be build a company (10% of them). At micro level, they will need to find out how is an organization work, what climate do they have at the company, what the structure of power do the have? How to surf office politics to survive. Just to survive; emphasize on performance and communication, not on dirty politics. Once I gave the student a quiz "how political are you". It is interesting because most of them are political survival, only 10 % - 15 % of them are corporate polititian and about 5 % are political shark.
Now, what should they know if they run their own business? They have to know politics at macro level. They have to know what will happening to their company if the economy policy change? They have to know the current regulation and the impact to their company. Or, do they have to know about what is the impact of political party system in Indonesia to their business? I don't know.

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